Yiwen Wang
Social inequalities are often produced and reinforced in educational settings. I believe it is my job as an educator to help disrupt the cycle of inequality in my classroom. My teaching philosophy is centered on three main goals: 1) support students to build a toolset from sociological theories and research methods that can help them understand and navigate the social world; 2) create classrooms inclusive of all students; and 3) build rapport in mentoring.
Teaching Experience
Lab Instructor: Introduction to Social Research Methods (University of Texas at Austin)
Teaching Assistant: Deviant Behavior & Social Control (University of Texas at Austin)
Guest Lecturer: Aging in Society (University of Texas at San Antonio)
Teaching Training
Advanced Teaching Certificate (University of Texas at Austin Faculty Innovation Center)
Supervised Teaching (University of Texas at Austin Graduate Course)
Courses Designed
Introduction to Social Research Methods
Social Inequalities and Health
Social Demography